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"www.toutesvosmarques.com" a trouvé 1 boutique(s) correspondant � la marque LOTTO, � la cat�gorie Vêtement femme.

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www.toutesvosmarques.com propose la marque LOTTO

In June 1999 the Company was taken over by a group of local business people who were already very active in the sports segment. It was headed by Andrea Tomat, who took on the role of President and CEO of the new company, which was renamed Lotto Sport Italia S.p.A.

The new ownership's objective was to exploit the brand's strengths – dynamism, innovation, quality, Italian design and a real passion for sport – combined with its increasingly painstaking and effective customer service.

Today, the performance segment has been strengthened, in line with the new corporate mission. Special focus is given to footwear and technical clothing for football and tennis, also supporting the brand's worldwide leadership with products that are right on the cutting edge in terms of innovation and design.

In parallel, based on production, technical and stylistic know-how, an idea has been developed for men's and women's leisure clothing and footwear with a sport-inspired image and taste in terms of the selection of fabrics, colours and styles.

Technical underwear, home textiles, stationery, body care products, socks, eyewear and watches with Lotto branding are also manufactured and distributed under licence by third-party companies.

Les logos représentés et les marques citées sont la propriété exclusive de leurs concepteurs et créateurs

Toutes vos marques a trouv� 1 boutique(s) correspondant � la marque LOTTO, � la cat�gorie Vêtement femme . toutesvosmarques.com est le num�ro 1 de la recherche de boutique de mode sur Internet. Avec plus de 50000 boutiques partenaires en France, plus de 2000 marques r�f�renc�es et plus de 5000 visites par jour, toutesvosmarques.com est en pole position des recherches d'une marque dans une ville sur les principaux moteurs de recherche.

Les boutiques de la marque LOTTO - les points de ventes de la marque LOTTO - les revendeurs de la marque LOTTO - les magasins de la marque LOTTO - les dépositaires de la marque LOTTO - les enseignes de la marque LOTTO - où acheter la marque LOTTO - BEAUTE LOTTO, Chaussures LOTTO, Jeannerie streetwear LOTTO, Vêtement femme LOTTO, Vêtement homme LOTTO - LOTTO en Rhône-Alpes, LOTTO en Ile-de-France - LOTTO dans le(s) Rhône , LOTTO dans le(s) Seine-Saint-Denis -LOTTO dans le Sud Est, LOTTO dans le Paris / Ile-de-France - LOTTO � VILLEUBANNE, LOTTO � GAGNY - LOTTO � LYON, LOTTO � BOBIGNY, LOTTO � LE RAINCY, LOTTO � SAINT-DENIS, LOTTO � VILLEFRANCHE-SUR-SAÔNE - acheter LOTTO - vendre LOTTO - achat LOTTO - vente LOTTO.