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"www.toutesvosmarques.com" a trouvé 1 boutique(s) correspondant � la marque KANGOL, � la r�gion Midi-Pyrénées.

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www.toutesvosmarques.com propose la marque KANGOL

Kangol® A/W 12’ collection heralds the return of the Furgora, which has been updated to the sleek Shavora. It’s also the launch of the Cold Weather collection. The gloves & scarves have unique designs & texture combinations. The collection sits alongside the hats but can be mixed & matched with many different hats within the range.

The men’s Shavora collection introduces a new 507with fully-fashioned wool earlaps. The classical Casual has a contrast button to match the logo. The women’s brim styles feature sophisticated leatherette trim with brass buckle. The Neneh, a shape from the archives, has a close fitting crown & a back flipped brim.

The Luxe collection continues to be made in England and USA. Kangol innovates using traditional techniques to create new finishes. The Division group has a sprayed brim that spreads onto the base of the crown engineering a blurred edge. The illusion of the band is a cut line around the crown with a triangle tipped crosspiece. The ultra feminine Plume hats feature a lustrous finish & a single gold-sprayed decorative feather on the Siren & Deco Cloche.
The collaboration with Aerial7 remains in the collection with new waffle knit fabric on the earlaps & decorative flatlock stitch on the crown to mimic seam panels, included in this group is a knitted Toque with an integral knitted pouch to hold the Sound Disks.

The revolutionary P2iprocess creates an ultra thin polymer layer that changes surface properties of the hat & causes liquids to form beads that simply roll off. It does this without changing how the hat looks or feels & protects it from the affects of water & all other liquids. P2i coating has been added to iconic Kangol cap shapes plus new jacquard & textured knit fabrics.

Les logos représentés et les marques citées sont la propriété exclusive de leurs concepteurs et créateurs

Toutes vos marques a trouv� 1 boutique(s) correspondant � la marque KANGOL, � la r�gion Midi-Pyrénées: TOULOUSE, FOIX, RODEZ, AUCH, CAHORS, TARBES, ALBI, MONTAUBAN, PAMIERS, SAINT-GIRONS, MILLAU, VILLEFRANCHE-DE-ROUERGUE, MURET, SAINT-GAUDENS, CONDOM, MIRANDE, FIGEAC, GOURDON, ARGELÈS-GAZOST, BAGNÈRES-DE-BIGORRE, CASTRES, CASTELSARRASIN . toutesvosmarques.com est le num�ro 1 de la recherche de boutique de mode sur Internet. Avec plus de 50000 boutiques partenaires en France, plus de 2000 marques r�f�renc�es et plus de 5000 visites par jour, toutesvosmarques.com est en pole position des recherches d'une marque dans une ville sur les principaux moteurs de recherche.

Les boutiques de la marque KANGOL - les points de ventes de la marque KANGOL - les revendeurs de la marque KANGOL - les magasins de la marque KANGOL - les dépositaires de la marque KANGOL - les enseignes de la marque KANGOL - où acheter la marque KANGOL - Accessoires de mode KANGOL, Chapeaux KANGOL, Chaussures KANGOL, MAROQUINERIE ET ARTICLES DE VOYAGE KANGOL, Vente en ligne KANGOL, Vêtement femme KANGOL, Vêtement homme KANGOL - KANGOL en Ile-de-France, KANGOL en Midi-Pyrénées, KANGOL en Lorraine - KANGOL dans le(s) Paris , KANGOL dans le(s) Tarn , KANGOL dans le(s) Vosges -KANGOL dans le Paris / Ile-de-France, KANGOL dans le Sud Ouest, KANGOL dans le Nord Est - TOULOUSE, FOIX, RODEZ, AUCH, CAHORS, TARBES, ALBI, MONTAUBAN, PAMIERS, SAINT-GIRONS, MILLAU, VILLEFRANCHE-DE-ROUERGUE, MURET, SAINT-GAUDENS, CONDOM, MIRANDE, FIGEAC, GOURDON, ARGELÈS-GAZOST, BAGNÈRES-DE-BIGORRE, CASTRES, CASTELSARRASINKANGOL � PARIS, KANGOL � MAZAMET, KANGOL � GÉRARDMER - KANGOL � PARIS, KANGOL � ÉPINAL, KANGOL � NEUFCHÂTEAU, KANGOL � SAINT-DIÉ-DES-VOSGES, KANGOL � ALBI, KANGOL � CASTRES - acheter KANGOL - vendre KANGOL - achat KANGOL - vente KANGOL.