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"www.toutesvosmarques.com" a trouvé 1 boutique(s) correspondant � la marque INNES, � la cat�gorie Jeannerie streetwear.
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73, Bd Vincent Auriol
75013 PARIS
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Temecula, CA – July 26, 2012- Today, Innes and Federation 48 announced a licensing agreement that will integrate over 15 years of music and skate influences by Matt Hensley. As one of the original San Diego based skate pioneers, Matt Hensley has traveled the world, skated for key action sport brands, and played his accordion around the world in the band Flogging Molly.
“Matt has had a chance to see the world through a different set of eyes than most. Being a professional skater and a musician in Flogging Molly, Matt continues to witness fashion and culture worldwide. We want to take some of his inspiration to rejuvenate this brand and give the customers something unique to their own style and fashion” commented Federation 48. “Additionally, Matt has been around the original pioneers of skating and I think Matt brings a great value to this brand and I want to make sure we try to capture everything that he has to offer.”
The Fall 2012 line will debut at Agenda Long Beach and Magic Las Vegas. The line will be complete with a range from cut and sew denim to standard boys’ shirts. Federation 48 is currently working on the 2013 collection.
“I am truly pleased to announce that Innes Clothing has teamed up with Federation 48. This collaboration gives Innes an opportunity to supply better quality clothing overall and utilize a staff of people who are ready to help” commented Matt Hensley. “I am looking forward to making some really cool stuff. I would also like to thank all of our friends and family for their support and loyalty over the years, with that support Innes will continue to charge forward”.
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