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"www.toutesvosmarques.com" a trouvé 1 boutique(s) correspondant � la marque FREESOUL, � la cat�gorie Chaussures femmes.

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www.toutesvosmarques.com propose la marque FREESOUL


FREESOUL was established in Florence in 1994, by the Eldo S.r.l. group, and right from the beginning made a name for itself as a perfect blend of Italian creativity with an international feel.

In 2008 the company and brand were taken over by the Balham Holding company, marking the latter’s first foray into the fashion industry. As a result, by providing major resources and support it has enabled the brand to enjoy significant growth and global repositioning.

FREESOUL means understanding denim fashion as a passion: bright, sensual and engaging, with a touch of retro accent which gives everything an elegant appeal.

The FREESOUL consumer is jean conscious, truly ageless, pure and sporty, with both an urban and casual feel.

The FREESOUL Women’s collection speaks to a glamorous and passionate woman and combines sensual luxury with timeless elegance.

The FREESOUL Men’s line is inspired by a cool, sharp gentleman who prefers a simple, essential look with a courtly and dandy style.

Our travels and encounters with different forms of art and culture help us to remain open to change and ensure that we are constantly creative and fresh. Our vision is to create a thoroughly modern look that brings together denim and fashion garments, creating a collection in which each piece becomes an object of desire.


The growth of FREESOUL is more apparent day by day with the opening of showrooms all around Europe. These are located in the world’s leading cities such as: Bordeaux (France), Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München (Germany), Ancona, Milan, Vicenza (Italy), Amsterdam (NL), Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid (Spain), London (UK) and many others.


Our experience in the retail sector has given us a competitive understanding of this complex and fast moving business.

Customers will be able to experience the FREESOUL world to the full, with its wide product range and innovative technology. Images shown on maxi screens will enable shoppers to check out garment fits and details before they even try them on.

In order to create an original shopping environment and an higher level of interaction with the consumer, FREESOUL has developed a new image through its “Shop in Shop” project, offering improved communications and service.

The result is hi-tech, stylish and unique.

Technology has enabled us to move away from a communication pattern based on static images and to create indeed a dynamic environment which captures the consumers’ attention from a greater distance. With a system controlling 46“ LCD screens, positioned both horizontally on the wall bay and vertically on the denim wall becoming an integral part of the store design, contents such as videos, commercials and fashion shows provide real-time interaction with the shop.

In store, the simple and understated design of the furnishings combined with peculiar research into materials,present FREESOUL as a brand which offers consumers polished and state of the art quality.

We are located in many important cities such as Bordeaux, Albi, Carcassone, Chambery, Clermont Ferrand, Gap, Laval, Lens, Limoges, Montpellier, Narbonne, Saint Germain du Puy, San Paul les Dax, Tournefeuille, Athens, Avellino, Bari, Cagliari, Campobasso, Genova, Mesagne, Padova, Rende, Ravenna, Taranto, Terni, Rotterdam, Utrecht and many others


The sensuality, elegance and glamour of FREESOUL’s collections are also expressed through our advertising campaigns. Its visions and values are communicated using press campaigns, image and look books as well as videos and display materials. These ensure a carefully coordinated and polished image, with breathtaking backdrops and a cosmopolitan mood – expertly interpreted by the most indisputable talents of the photographic world, such as the photographer Yu Tsai and the famous international supermodels Isabel Goulart and Nicholas Lemons.

Les logos représentés et les marques citées sont la propriété exclusive de leurs concepteurs et créateurs

Toutes vos marques a trouv� 1 boutique(s) correspondant � la marque FREESOUL, � la cat�gorie Chaussures femmes . toutesvosmarques.com est le num�ro 1 de la recherche de boutique de mode sur Internet. Avec plus de 50000 boutiques partenaires en France, plus de 2000 marques r�f�renc�es et plus de 5000 visites par jour, toutesvosmarques.com est en pole position des recherches d'une marque dans une ville sur les principaux moteurs de recherche.

Les boutiques de la marque FREESOUL - les points de ventes de la marque FREESOUL - les revendeurs de la marque FREESOUL - les magasins de la marque FREESOUL - les dépositaires de la marque FREESOUL - les enseignes de la marque FREESOUL - où acheter la marque FREESOUL - Chaussures femmes FREESOUL, Chaussures hommes FREESOUL, Jeannerie streetwear FREESOUL, Vêtement homme FREESOUL - FREESOUL en Centre - FREESOUL dans le(s) Indre -FREESOUL dans le Paris / Ile-de-France - FREESOUL � LE POINCONNET - FREESOUL � CHÂTEAUROUX, FREESOUL � LE BLANC, FREESOUL � LA CHÂTRE, FREESOUL � ISSOUDUN - acheter FREESOUL - vendre FREESOUL - achat FREESOUL - vente FREESOUL.