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Date de la demande |
Article |
31/03/2010 |
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Since Creola s.p.a. started-up in 1953, all the company property has been held by the Creola family; now the second generation runs the company with entrepreneurial spirit, through a strict task division, to promote excellent performances in terms of delivery timing, quality standards and flexibility.
Starting with the raw materials, the Company produces finished knitwear and knitted fabric items. Creola is definitely fancy oriented with regard to style, process techniques, shapes: it was one of the first companies to use artificial and synthetic textile fibres with their vivid colours ranges, a novelty at the time. Over the years, Creola has also been improving its circular knitting machine process, paying particular attention to exclusive patterns, jacquard and fancy stitches.
From the ‘80s onwards, Creola has developed its own brands, giving each collection its own identity and consumers cluster target.
Today, the company creates, produces and distributes world-wide three different garment collections: Creola, Huevo Blanco, and Huevo Blanco jeans
Creola collection comes from the creative talent of the internal staff of the company; this staff organises and co-ordinates the work of a group of external free-lance designers for the Huevo Blanco project.
The first prototype of Creola production is developed into the internal structure, while the bulk of the production is mainly done through Italian subcontractors, closely tied to Creola by a sound and long-lasting relationship.
Selling its products through a wide net of multi-brand agents, the trend of the global turnover of Creola increases with each season; more than 50% of the global turnover now comes from the export market, whereas the main areas are located in The E. C., The Middle and Far East.
The Huevo Blanco collection proposes strength and vitality, a sanguine and passionate temperament. The brand aims to best develop the fancy features that go with graphic design, presenting sumptuous 12 colour patterns using every possible printing technique such as screen printing, placed and all-over, flock, transfer, discharge, burn-out and pigment printing. The garments are often enriched with embroideries and appliqué, and sometimes the pattern is produced using a jacquard technique, an original circular knitting machine process managed by Creola.
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HUEVO BLANCO : Toutes vos marques a trouv� 1 boutique(s) correspondant � la marque HUEVO BLANCO: trouvez les boutiques de la marque HUEVO BLANCO, les adresses des magasins de la marque HUEVO BLANCO - les points de ventes en France de la marque HUEVO BLANCO- liste des revendeurs de la marque HUEVO BLANCO - les d�positaires de la marque HUEVO BLANCO dans votre r�gion - les enseignes de la marque HUEVO BLANCO dans votre ville - la nouvelle collection 2025 HUEVO BLANCO - o� acheter la marque HUEVO BLANCO - Qui vend la marque HUEVO BLANCO - boutiques HUEVO BLANCO, magasins HUEVO BLANCO, points de ventes HUEVO BLANCO, revendeurs HUEVO BLANCO, d�positaires HUEVO BLANCO, enseignes HUEVO BLANCO, Vêtement femme HUEVO BLANCO, Acheter HUEVO BLANCO, Achat : HUEVO BLANCO, Vendre : HUEVO BLANCO, Vente : HUEVO BLANCO, toutesvosmarques