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www.toutesvosmarques.com propose la marque HIPPIE


In the early 90's we started selling small jewelry and craft items on tour in the parking lot of Grateful Dead concerts. It was a fun way to make some extra cash and meet new friends. As time went on we added some hippie clothing including tie dye and music merchandise. Starting with friendship bracelets our little business grew to a full blown vending booth. We set up shop in the parking lot "Shakedown Street", Jam Band Festivals and Grateful Gatherings.

In the Summer of 1995 opening a retail shop seemed like a no-brain er. At that time all the head shops were long gone, there were a few hippie type shops around the country but they just weren't that cool and most of the items were overpriced.

We set out to create a happy place where fellow music fans, friends & family could find the things they love at the lowest prices possible. When people walked in to the shop they were always taken back. The music was pumping, the smells of incense wafting through the air and all the shelves were filled with psychedelic goodies. There was nothing left to due but Smile, Smile, Smile!

Then in 1997 it was like a classic eureka moment. There were not that many businesses on the web and there were certainly no Hippie Shops. We bought a computer, ventured online, learned how to write HTML and registered HippieShop.com. We were excited to be the first online psychedelic shop to take grasp of a new way of doing business.

Over the last decade Hippie Shop has delivered it’s unique products to thousands of satisfied customers all over the world. With all that we have gained we also love to give back. Not only do we regularly donate. We also organize free concerts, events and giveaways that raise funds for charity.

At Hippie Shop, our goal is to follow our passion for life, music and good times. To make our customers happy and have fun doing it.

Les logos représentés et les marques citées sont la propriété exclusive de leurs concepteurs et créateurs


HIPPIE : Toutes vos marques a trouv� 1 boutique(s) correspondant � la marque HIPPIE: trouvez les boutiques de la marque HIPPIE, les adresses des magasins de la marque HIPPIE - les points de ventes en France de la marque HIPPIE- liste des revendeurs de la marque HIPPIE - les d�positaires de la marque HIPPIE dans votre r�gion - les enseignes de la marque HIPPIE dans votre ville - la nouvelle collection 2025 HIPPIE - o� acheter la marque HIPPIE - Qui vend la marque HIPPIE - boutiques HIPPIE, magasins HIPPIE, points de ventes HIPPIE, revendeurs HIPPIE, d�positaires HIPPIE, enseignes HIPPIE, Acheter HIPPIE, Achat : HIPPIE, Vendre : HIPPIE, Vente : HIPPIE, toutesvosmarques