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www.toutesvosmarques.com propose la marque EUROPEAN CULTURE


DFP International S.p.A. has been active on the textile market since 1999, specializing in the production of men, women and children’s clothing using the “garment dye” technique, an industrial method that has expanded continuously during the past few years. The company’s sound qualifications, both in terms of product and organisational quality, are the result of an original industrial model, developed by an exceptionally motivated and flexible business team. By constantly monitoring the evolving market, and always staying true to the identity of the product, DFP is now an integral part of the national and international market.

Working closely together, a creative team and a group of product technicians explore and experiment with new solutions, in a bid to improve the historical “garment dye” method, a market in which DFP International S.p.A. is the undisputed leader. By bringing in the world and perspectives of children, the projects aimed at the Junior market segment are also slowly expanding the philosophy behind European Culture.

The European Culture range of clothes is created by sewing and mixing different natural textiles which are then immersed in large tanks filled with dye for four hours at 95°C. This method results in garments of a very high quality which, when worn, gain in value and beauty over time. When washed, the textiles acquire different tones and shades, which give them a unique “vintage” look. This particular colouring process carried out at 95°C, also produces perfectly sterile garments, which guarantees a feel-good quality for the wearer.

The selected raw materials are of the highest quality and chosen to withstand the demands of production and usage. This care, together with the innovative and sophisticated design of the garments, makes DFP’s products truly unique. Also, the company’s specialized production processes allow for the usage of materials not usually available for dyeing clothes, such as the latest generation fibres and wools.

Together with other companies which have made research and development their mission, we can use the constant exchange of information and unite innovation and craftsmanship in an exceptional combination which clearly defines the EUROPEAN CULTURE products.


The company’s production centre and main offices are located in the industrial area of Santa Scolastica in Corropoli (TE). The entire company process is controlled from within these two buildings, from idea to creation of the garments to the shipping of the finished articles, resulting in excellent results in terms of quality and client service.

Craftsmanship and technology united by modern leadership, allow for the realization of an Italian product which adheres to all the applicable European standards. The products are constantly monitored during the production phase and fulfil the most rigorous criteria to assure the highest quality and the most effective service.

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EUROPEAN CULTURE : Toutes vos marques a trouv� 14 boutique(s) correspondant � la marque EUROPEAN CULTURE: trouvez les boutiques de la marque EUROPEAN CULTURE, les adresses des magasins de la marque EUROPEAN CULTURE - les points de ventes en France de la marque EUROPEAN CULTURE- liste des revendeurs de la marque EUROPEAN CULTURE - les d�positaires de la marque EUROPEAN CULTURE dans votre r�gion - les enseignes de la marque EUROPEAN CULTURE dans votre ville - la nouvelle collection 2025 EUROPEAN CULTURE - o� acheter la marque EUROPEAN CULTURE - Qui vend la marque EUROPEAN CULTURE - boutiques EUROPEAN CULTURE, magasins EUROPEAN CULTURE, points de ventes EUROPEAN CULTURE, revendeurs EUROPEAN CULTURE, d�positaires EUROPEAN CULTURE, enseignes EUROPEAN CULTURE, Vtement femme EUROPEAN CULTURE, Acheter EUROPEAN CULTURE, Achat : EUROPEAN CULTURE, Vendre : EUROPEAN CULTURE, Vente : EUROPEAN CULTURE, toutesvosmarques