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"www.toutesvosmarques.com" a trouvé 12 boutique(s) correspondant à la marque CRISTINAEFFE.

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www.toutesvosmarques.com propose la marque CRISTINAEFFE


Bertelli srl exists since more than twenty years in the textile field, producing and distributing its brand CRISTINAEFFE on the domestic as well as on the export markets such as Russia, Hong Kong, China, Spain, France, Belgium, Holland and so on.

As the Company hat a big expansion during the last years, the Management organized new control and monitoring procedures to check the quality and the timing of the production and deliveries.
We do believe in customer satisfaction and we thing the follow-up of the purchased goods is a topic point to build up a strong and long business relationship.

In spite of this, the structure of the Company remains very light in order to react in a very short time as the quick response is a key to be successful.

The decision making is also very quick since the Management is very close to the market as well as to the Owner, and therefore can take decision in real time.

But, the history and the tradition of the Company and Brand values remain the same and they are typically Italians: the quality of the materials is intrinsically very high, price-quality ratio, research, creativity, adoptability, love for beauty, romance, will of learning and pride of our story.

As a short description: tradition open to changes.
This relative small Company is moved by people who love this crazy world of Fashion and believe in the strategy of quality and coherence.

Les logos représentés et les marques citées sont la propriété exclusive de leurs concepteurs et créateurs


CRISTINAEFFE : Toutes vos marques a trouv� 12 boutique(s) correspondant � la marque CRISTINAEFFE: trouvez les boutiques de la marque CRISTINAEFFE, les adresses des magasins de la marque CRISTINAEFFE - les points de ventes en France de la marque CRISTINAEFFE- liste des revendeurs de la marque CRISTINAEFFE - les d�positaires de la marque CRISTINAEFFE dans votre r�gion - les enseignes de la marque CRISTINAEFFE dans votre ville - la nouvelle collection 2025 CRISTINAEFFE - o� acheter la marque CRISTINAEFFE - Qui vend la marque CRISTINAEFFE - boutiques CRISTINAEFFE, magasins CRISTINAEFFE, points de ventes CRISTINAEFFE, revendeurs CRISTINAEFFE, d�positaires CRISTINAEFFE, enseignes CRISTINAEFFE, Vêtement femme CRISTINAEFFE, Acheter CRISTINAEFFE, Achat : CRISTINAEFFE, Vendre : CRISTINAEFFE, Vente : CRISTINAEFFE, toutesvosmarques